Thursday, July 2, 2009


Recently i just bought a new dog.. He is very cute, we name bingo cos bingo in Chinese is "strike" and indeed he brought luck to our house, my mother strike 4D thrice this week and my auntie, two of them strike 4D once. My grandmother too strike Toto. All they had to do was to carry the dog and huge it. He is a cairn terrier breed about 4 months old and he is very playful and cute..ha ha!! Don't be fool by his innocent face he tends to be rather aggressive as he is a working dog, and by working dog I mean that he guards door and sometimes can be very ferocious...but he is till under training now cos he still pees and poos around the house.....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What is music? juniors must know!!!!

So what is music? Some say it is noise..... others say it is a sound that brought beautiful and melodious tune.Well I say music is the way of expression.It describe what the composer of the particular song is saying only if you could feel what it is and listen to every single note that each instrument is playing. This allows you to know wad the composer is trying to tell you.Some music are sad which tells us that the composer is remembering some sad time he spend with his love ones.Some music are a happy one which is telling us that we must be celebrating for some occasion.Some music sounded very majestic and solemn, this music tells us that someone important is arriving.There r many more expression of music.Listen to how the players play and you will know wad expression the composer is in.
I hope that one day I could compose my own music, anyway I am already editing music and coming out with my own version it's the song "Go To sleep" it has all the parts that a band requires,but I'm kind of stuck at the moment, cause my inspiration went out suddenly. But dun worry I am finishing my music and soon I will give it to my band and they will play it, it's quite easy actually.
Hold on!! i am getting my inspiration back!! Yes!!! I will go complete my music and soon i will be the youngest music composer ever and made history....Cyah!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wa Lao!!!!! one more day to my 'o' level Chinese exam.Fuck I'm still slacking and don't feel like studying . must force myself to study. I wish that i could get and A for my Chinese if not I'm gone.
"I Trow that i shalt get A in my Chinese after all the hard work i gave" ( Check for the words u don't know, They are old English words i learn from literature)
A tip for literature students, even u are taking literature elective, learn some old English words, it may help as you may not understand wad actors of a play of Shakespeare are saying when you are watching one with your teacher.
Yes Arh! i Can finally participate in the METTA performance on 7 JUNE. I 'm overjoy, firstly because it is my last performance before i took my 'o' levels and graduate.....hopefully.
Secondly, because there is two sec 4 performing, and i'm one of them. and of course the other one was gu yan u should noe. It feels like u r the chosen one on a mission to save the damsel in stress. haha i'm like a chosen knight to fight against evils and save the world.HAHAHA!!!!!!!!I hope everything went well.

Undefeated in all ways!!!!!!

This is My Wall of Archievements see like I told you I am undefeated!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Undefeated Streak in music

Let me get this in your head. I'm immortal,undefeated. No one could beat me, absolutely no one. I dare you come up with a challenge (about music lah) i will defintely solve it without a notes less.I am immortal and undefeated hahaha!!!!!!! Come challenge me if you dare.
Well it is fun being the best player st first cos no one could beat you. But after a while you would feel bored as there no challenge.I need a challenge( in music) desprately, pls some one give me a challenge to play.......I need one!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Today same old thing, school but there is no band already!!!!!Yeah can focus more on my studies and 'o' levels. However, i had this performance in june for the METTA charity walk cum something something......They only calling me and Gu Yan (YES!) back only cos they need us....haha...but I dun noe want to go anot cos during june need to go back to school and study.Very confused.....Anyway I was thinking about the good old and fun days in band and feel like going back but u know, 'o' level is a very critical year for me so wad to do. try forget about it. Wow! this is hard cos I was kind of a band freak.....Must try!!! Dun give up I kept telling myself. Nothing is impossible, It's all in the mind !!! Euphonium Rox!!!!. Alamak! I am think about band again......Must try to forget them temporary........Must Persevere!!!!!